Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I keep trying to motivate myself to blog about the next chapter, but I think I’m going to have to accept the fact that CYEAT posts are going to be on hold until early to mid May. Because I can’t think about anything but the two week-long trips I am taking this month. So I’m going to write about that instead.

I mentioned in here a while back that my bosses want me to travel to Virginia for a week of training. It was originally supposed to be sometime last fall or winter, but it kept getting delayed. Now it’s finally happening, during the last week of this month.

Which is about the worst timing ever, because my wife and I also planned a week-long trip to NYC that starts at the end of this week and goes into next week. That trip alone was already stressing me out, and that’s going to be the easier one. The one where my wife is with me and we go at a slow pace and she makes sure I don’t get too overwhelmed.

No matter how carefully we navigate it, I know I will experience a lot of anxiety and it will really wear me out. And now I’m going to get back from that trip, have about a week and a half to relax and get back to homeostasis, and then have to leave for the training trip, which will be a thousand times harder. And I’m pretty sure I’ll be spending most of that in-between time obsessing over the second trip rather than relaxing. I already can’t stop obsessing about the second trip even though right now I should be preparing for the first one.

There are, I guess, three major concerns I keep going over:

- The actual traveling part. I hate flying. I hate all public transportation. We’re taking a train to NYC and that’s a little easier for me, but taking a train to Virginia could potentially take a full day (or night) and I don’t want that. So I figure I will suck it up and do the plane. But I have only flown alone once before, and it was in 2007. Pre-breakdown. I honestly have no memory of how I managed it. Everything seems so much harder now. So I will have to fly and navigate an airport, because of course there will be a layover, possibly more than one. Then once I get there, my boss has arranged that the hotel shuttle will take me back and forth to the work building. Screw that. I will probably rent my own car so I can have control over my coming and going. Oh, and also, as of right now, I can’t find a good flight connection, which may mean I will have to fly into an airport in a city a couple hours away and then figure out how to get to my destination from there. And I am not comfortable driving on the interstate. The only solution I can come up with so far is that my mother picks me up (and drops me off again at the end of the trip) because she lives nearby. But I’m not loving that idea either.

- Eating, drinking, sleeping. Any time I get really stressed out, I start doing all of these things less. This always happens to me on trips. I don’t feel well, so I don’t eat or drink as much. I get super dehydrated. My blood sugar is low all the time. I feel weak and shaky and sick and weird. Everything around me feels kind of surreal. But if I try to force myself to eat and drink more, that makes me feel nauseous, especially if I am trying to eat around other people or if I attempt to eat anything that isn’t completely bland. And it starts to feel almost physically impossible, since I have no appetite. After a day or so of that, I’m exhausted and it feels like an ordeal even to get out of bed. But I’ll have to get out of bed, go to work, focus on training, and socially interact with people. I’m thinking I will probably plan out every single thing I’m going to eat in advance and try to stick to that meal plan as much as possible, but I’m not sure how successful I will be.

- The social interaction. I’m not around people much anymore, and it’s honestly a huge relief most of the time, because I have a very strong desire to appear perfect to everyone around me combined with an inability to stop being horribly awkward. Which I think usually comes across as me being rude rather than scared (ignoring people, nervously laughing at things I shouldn’t laugh at, blank stares, sarcasm, and general stoicism). My boss has planned five socializing meals for us to attend. They all sound terrifying. It sounds like a few will involve large groups of people, including many people I have communicated with for several years but who have never met me face to face, so they will probably want to meet me face to face, and it’s too much to even think about. It is my goal to get out of every single one of those. Especially because three of them are lunches on training days, and if I go to those and am not able to eat, I don’t know how I will make it through the afternoons.

Also, I have no way of knowing how many panic attacks I’m going to have while I’m around my coworkers. It’s funny, because I used to work in the building with them, so it’s not like I haven’t dealt with that before. I have had anxiety attacks during one-on-one face-to-face meetings with my boss and been able to hide it. So it’s likely I’ll still be able to hide it pretty well. But part of me worries. I’m out of practice. And then of course there’s the fact that I don’t want to have anxiety attacks, whether I can hide them well or not, because they are miserable and further contribute to me feeling completely exhausted and out of it. But I don’t think I’m going to be able to avoid that. I’m guessing I will have them during the training sessions, when I feel most obligated to be composed and focused, when I know it would be bad for me to leave the room because that is after all what I’m there for. To try to learn something in the midst of all this insanity.

I probably should have fought harder to get out of this trip. I did try to get out of it, but it was a pathetic attempt, because I get too embarrassed to lay out exactly how bad it’s going to be. And I get scared thinking “am I really going to bail on something else? am I seriously going to be this person all my life?” I want to be able to do things. This particular thing feels way out of my reach, but I don’t know. Maybe it won’t be as bad as I’m imagining. I just have to do it. I have to do it, because it’s even harder to handle the thought of saying ‘no, absolutely not, you have no idea what this is going to do to me.’ And part of me worries I would end up getting fired.

I have internalized so much mental health stigma and it makes me feel guilty to even be saying some of this, because I believe people should push back more in these situations and advocate for themselves. I just feel like I can’t do it anymore. I have done it so many times and gotten so many horrible reactions. I had teachers in high school who literally made me cry because they were so mean to me for refusing to give class presentations, even though I told them I didn’t mind taking a zero for the assignment. Wouldn’t it be nice if the automatic reaction was to say ‘that’s fine, there are of course perfectly valid alternatives to presentations (or intense week-long out of state training sessions) and this doesn’t make you a lesser person at all‘? I think society is heading more in that direction, but it’s taking a long time.


  1. I had a teacher tell me (in university) that if I didn't do the presentation I would fail the course, and be out of the program. It was terrible.

    Thank you for your blog - things I can relate to. Chin up! :)

    1. Seriously, it's horrible! I don't know why so many of them do that. I did have one teacher who was really great about it and let me have an informal talk with just him rather than giving a presentation. But he was the only nice one. The rest acted like I was pathetic for feeling anxious.

      Thanks :)

  2. Also - I purchased CYEAT about a year ago and found it helpful, so I hope you enjoy it as well!

    1. The writing style sounds kind of like a sales pitch and it keeps distracting me, but yeah, aside from that I do feel like it has a lot of helpful information. It's been a lot better than I expected it to be. :) And I think it's been good to blog about it as I go, because now I have a quick reference to the parts that really resonate with me or inspire me to work harder.
