Saturday, August 15, 2015

exposure / limits

Some thoughts I had in response to this post on tumblr:

Love this. Super relevant to emetophobia and anxiety in general. I know it seems like every time you push yourself it has to go really well or else what was the point, but that’s not true. These experiences are still helping you recover and figure things out. If you think you can handle something and it turns out to be too much and causes an anxiety reaction, you will still survive it, and then you will know you need to take a smaller step first. Exposure isn’t an exact science; you won’t always get it right.

Also, sometimes when you have been anxious so long and have avoided everything, you’re not even sure what you like to do and what you don’t like to do. You could end up at an event where you’re not anxious, but you’re also not having a great time, and that doesn’t mean you made a horrible mistake. You could end up going to the movies several times and then realize ‘hey, I haven’t only been avoiding movies because of anxiety. I also find them really boring.’ It makes sense that you wouldn’t have known this before, because with an anxiety disorder you have this extra layer of fear obscuring your feelings. You have to work through the fear, and sometimes that means doing the same thing a few times until you are less anxious and can experience your true reaction.

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