Sunday, January 4, 2015

walking goals

Happy 2015 everyone!

Last year I made a resolution to walk 5000 steps a day. Since I work from home and don't like going out all that much, I was averaging barely 1000 steps. Definitely not healthy.

I never do well with exercise goals, but I found it really easy to stick with this one after I bought a pedometer. Those things are amazing. I don't know why, but being able to track by number of steps rather than time is so much more motivating. I bought this Omron one and love it. You probably know the Fitbit is the more popular brand because you can sync up to your computer to track your progress or to other people to form groups, challenge your friends, compete and such. (Also Fitbits are much smaller and more aesthetically appealing.) I got mine before the Fitbit craze and I'm not too interested in making my exercise social at this point in time, so I'm sticking with the Omron for now. It tracks total steps, aerobic steps, miles, calories burned. I rarely look at anything except the total steps - I clip it to my pants, wear it until I hit my step goal, then take it off.

I knew I wanted to work my way up to 10000 steps a day, and I thought it would be easier to do if I added 1000 steps to my goal every month. In September I bumped my goal up to 6000, in October to 7000, etc. and started out 2015 at 10000 steps a day. So that's my main resolution for this year, to stick with that goal.

I think all this walking and trying to eat healthier has decreased my anxiety. 2014 was an awesome year. I pushed my boundaries - going to concerts, festivals, etc. - and I still experienced some anxiety during most of these events, but I had a great time overall.

I did end up seeing The Nutcracker last month, and that was wonderful too. Even though I felt mildly "sick" during most of it. I just took deep breaths and tried to ignore it, which is usually easy for me to do these days. I keep telling myself it's not real illness, even if a part of me doubts it. Then intermission comes - the lights turn back on, everyone starts moving around, I know I could leave if I wanted, I'm able to talk and laugh with my wife for a few minutes, and all of this instantly makes me feel better. Because it is only anxiety.

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