Monday, September 3, 2012


I went to the doctor for a check-up last week. And survived! I was extremely nervous before and during it, but it all turned out fine. I even got a vaccination that I needed, one that supposedly can cause nausea or vomiting (a 1 in 10 chance). No problems with that either.

I was anxious that I would be part of the 10%, but I know there was no reason to be. I have never had any issues with vaccinations or medications in the past (being allergic to them, having bad reactions). Not to mention the fact that probably most of the 10% felt nauseous but didn't vomit (since the stats combined the two side effects), or they allowed themselves to vomit when they felt nauseous because they aren't afraid of it.

I'm super proud of myself for forcing myself to do this. And the best part is that now I won't have to do it again for one to two years! I'm leaning towards two. 

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