Thursday, May 3, 2012

work tour / low blood sugar

I finally took that company tour for work. It went really well! I was pretty anxious before I left, but it wasn't affecting my stomach, even after I had breakfast. It was more just a shakiness. I sat and did some meditation and deep breathing and just tried to relax as much as possible.

When I actually got to the company, my anxiety was basically gone (other than a social insecurity / awkwardness that is always there). That tends to happen when I get around people, because I become so focused on acting normal in my interactions with them that I don't have the brain space to worry about much else. My tour guides walked me around all through the building, showing me everything involved in the manufacturing process. It was fun and interesting, and even though I don't find business or manufacturing to be that exciting, I got into it a little bit. Maybe just because it was nice to be 1) moving around and 2) interacting with people for a change.

The only problem came after the tour was over, and I went back home. I'm used to feeling MUCH better as soon as I get out of a stressful situation, but I started feeling very ill instead. Mostly it was a bad headache, but then I started feeling like it was affecting my stomach too. Of course, I thought at first that I must have picked up some virus on the tour or touched some part of the manufacturing equipment that was toxic, etc. I kept telling myself that couldn't be the case, because it was so unlikely I'd already be showing symptoms. But I felt so ill that this logic was barely keeping me together. I even took Aleve for my headache, which I hardly ever let myself do.

Nothing terrible happened. After a few hours, I finally started feeling better. I don't know exactly why I felt so bad, but my guess is that it was low blood sugar. I forced myself to eat breakfast before going, but I don't think my breakfast was large enough. Especially considering I was walking around for about three hours, when I am used to sitting down in front of a computer all day. I think my blood sugar crashed, and then, even though I ate again right when I got home, it took a while for things to normalize again.

I really need to work more on eating before I leave the house for long periods of time. I have gotten to the point where I almost always do it, but I still tend to gravitate towards smaller meals or even just little snacks. I worry about feeling overly full when I leave, and in trying to avoid that, I usually end up not even reaching the bare minimum of fullness.

1 comment:

  1. Well done!

    I struggle with eating before having to leave the house. Normally if I know that I have to go out I won't eat until I get back home. I should take your advice and try eating before! xx
