Saturday, October 8, 2011

centaur / mind-body

I've been trying to figure out what my little blog picture should be, what image could be associated with emetophobia. I'm reading this book No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth by Ken Wilber, and a couple nights ago I got to this part of the book that was talking about the centaur as a representation of a unified mind-and-body:

"A centaur is a legendary animal, half human and half horse, and so it well represents a perfect union and harmony of mental and physical. A centaur is not a horse rider in control of her horse, but a rider who is one with her horse. Not a psyche divorced from and in control of a soma, but a self-controlling, self-governing, psychosomatic unity."

I love this. This is the emetophobic issue. We see our bodies as "the enemy" that we have to fight and master. It's the source of what we fear, so we want to escape it, but it's not something that can be escaped. It's us.

I want to get rid of this mind-body split, and in order to do that, I really need to commit to doing more things that will relax my body. In other words, not just sitting around and reading all the time, as fun as that is. I'm going to start doing yoga again. There was a brief period of time many months ago where I was doing yoga on a regular basis, and I know it was helping me.
I really can feel how doing the stretches and then releasing the tension makes my body feel better and also seems to allow me to tune in to different parts of my body in a way that is pretty foreign to me. I don't know why it is so hard for me to stick with the habit. I would love to eventually get to the point where I do it every day, but I think for now, my goal is going to be three times a week. Starting this week. Here's hoping that posting this will keep me accountable. 

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