Friday, November 11, 2011

swallowing pills

I know a lot of emetophobes have trouble swallowing pills. I had this problem for most of my life. In high school, I used to dissolve Aleve or Midol in a glass of water and then drink it. There are no words to explain how disgusting this tastes. You will just have to try it and see for yourself. Or on second thought, don't ever do this.

Now I have a method that works most of the time. Very similar to the method people use to trick their pet into eating a pill. I chew up a bite of food that I know I can swallow all at once, then put the pill in my mouth and maneuver it into the middle of that bite. As long as I can't feel it there at all, I can then swallow the bite of food and the pill along with it. Thus, it works best with foods that are more solid and don't dissolve in your mouth, nothing like pudding or applesauce. For a long time, I had the most success with cereal, but now I can use practically anything. The only time I have trouble is when I'm so tense with anxiety that my throat feels closed up. Then it's hard to swallow in general.

I still prefer liquid medicines or chewable pills, and luckily, you can usually find them. But sometimes they're not available, and at those times, it's nice to not have to choose between pain and painkiller-flavored drinks. Ick.

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